
This service has been created by a single person. It has been created to provide ease of access in a modernized form to the Holy Bible for others. If you have found this service useful, and are feeling generous, you may consider donating to the developer, so that they can continue doing God’s work.

Creating such an application, and maintaining it, is no easy task and takes a lot of time, thought, and can incur costs for various development tools and hosting providers amongst others. Donating can provide developers of said applications with the means to continue providing their services by being used to cover such expenses.

Donations can also be used to further develop this application, and potentially spawn similar services that might be of interest to you.

I, the developer, am accepting donations via the Buy Me a Coffee service. Should you wish to donate then you may click the button below!

Buy me a Coffee

I do intend to further develop this application, and create more Christian services. Any donations will be greatly appreciated.

If you would like to learn more about the application, please visit the about page instead. To get in touch, visit the contact page.